Black Lives Matter

At TAOS our mission to end sexual violence in sport is inevitably intertwined in the intersectionalism of race. Our work can not be done without listening, learning, and critically examining the voices and experiences of those who are oppressed in this country. In order to recognize the voices of those doing culturally specific work and advocacy, we must lift up organizations in our community beyond ourselves. We will work to seek justice as a community in order to create the change needed to end violence everywhere.

As an organization led primarily by white folx, we believe that our role here is to not only step back and listen, but also to amplify the voices of those who are marginalized and so often not heard. In the coming days, we will be actively searching for, and sharing ways that we can all support the voices of survivors of color, and work to dismantle systemic racism in this country. If you have any thoughts, comments, or organizations we should connect with, please feel free to DM us, or comment publicly. Let’s all work together.


Below is a list of resources that you can use or share widely to help educate yourselves and the community. This list is by no means exhaustive. Feel free to contact us if you have more ideas on what to add.

⁣Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race – Reni Eddo-Lodge⁣
Brit-ish – Afua Hirsch ⁣
Me and White Supremacy- Layla Saad⁣
White Fragility – Robin Diangelo ⁣
How To Be An Antiracist – Ibrahim X. Kendi⁣

⁣13th ⁣
I am Not Your Negro ⁣
The Rachel Divide ⁣
The Central Park Five ⁣
The Black Panthers – Vanguard Of The Revolution⁣

Accounts on Instagram
⁣Rachel Cargle – @Rachel.cargle
Mona Chalabi – @monachalabi ⁣
Munroe Bergdorf @munroebergdorf
Candice Brathwaite – @candicebrathwaite
Akala – @akalamusic
Layla F. Saad – @laylafsaad
No White Saviors – @nowhitesaviors
Ava DuVernay – @Ava
The Conscious Kid – @theconsciouskid
Reni Eddo-Lodge – @renieddolodge
Check Your Privilege – @ckyourprivilege

Donation Pages
⁣Official George Floyd Go Fund Me Page.⁣
⁣Minnesota Freedom Fund:⁣
⁣Run With Maud:⁣
⁣Black Lives Matter:⁣
Grassroots Organisations In Need Of Funds.
Reclaim The Block:
Black Visions Collective:

⁣Justice For Floyd:⁣
⁣Color Of Change: