MICHIGAN (April 1, 2024) – As the nation observes Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) this April, The Army of Survivors (TAOS) is steadfast in its commitment to fostering a safer environment for athletes and preventing sexual abuse in sports. With a focus on empowerment through education, TAOS is committed to creating safer sporting environments for athletes through its specialized Trauma-informed Survivor Advocacy training.
Athletes, particularly student-athletes, face significant vulnerability to sexual abuse due to the intimate nature of coaching relationships, the pressures of competition, and concerns about career opportunities. Studies, including one conducted by the World Players Association, have revealed alarming statistics, indicating that 13% of student-athletes experience sexual violence through their participation in sports (Rhind et al., 2021).
Founded by survivors of sexual violence in sports, TAOS is dedicated to bringing awareness, accountability, and transparency to this pervasive issue. Through a comprehensive suite of training, technical assistance, and consultation services, TAOS works to address the complex needs of sports organizations navigating the challenges of abuse prevention.
TAOS’ trauma-informed approach is grounded in understanding the impact of trauma and prioritizing athlete safety and well-being. By conducting audits, environmental scans, and data collection, TAOS assesses the current landscape of sports organizations to identify areas for improvement and tailor its services accordingly.
The organization’s recommended phases of engagement, including Discovery + Assessment, Training and Support Development, and Implementation for Culture Change + Community Building, provide a structured framework for creating trauma-informed environments and driving meaningful cultural change within sports organizations.
Key initiatives include virtual player drop-in sessions, trauma-informed basics training for staff and allied organizations, and the development of resources on abuse prevention and trauma response. Additionally, TAOS advocates for policy reforms, including improvements to investigative processes and training guidelines, to better support athlete-survivors and hold perpetrators accountable.
For further information on survivor advocacy training, technical assistance services, and policy legislative initiatives, please visit:
- Survivor Advocacy Training: The Army of Survivors – Trauma-Informed Survivor Advocacy
- Technical Assistance Services: TAOS Technical Assistance & Consultation Services
Join The Army of Survivors in its mission to empower, educate, and advocate for a safer future in sports. www.thearmyofsurvivors.org