The Army of Survivors unequivocally opposes all proposed legislation that bans transgender athletes from participating in sports and calls on state legislators to stand up for trans students nationwide by voting no on such bills.

According to the Human Rights Campaign ( there are currently more than 115 bills under consideration in state legislatures across the country that directly target transgender people and about half of those (more than 60 bills) would ban transgender girls and women from participating in sports consistent with their gender identity.

These bills are discriminatory and unconstitutional. Not only is this legislation hateful, it is also dangerous and further perpetuates the discrimination many transgender people already face on a daily basis.

The Army of Survivors supports the opportunity for transgender athletes to compete in all sports and at all levels of competition. All athletes deserve to compete in inclusive, equitable, safe, and healthy environments.

At The Army of Survivors, we focus our efforts at bringing awareness, accountability, and transparency to sexual assault against athletes at all levels, so it is critically important for us to acknowledge and highlight the high rates of sexual violence against transgender individuals. According to the Office for Victims of Crime, almost half of all transgender people have been sexually assaulted at some point in their lives and these rates are even higher for trans people of color.

If you are transgender and personally experienced, or know someone that has experienced sexual assault, help is available:

  • The Trevor Project: Visit or contact their hotline 24/7 at 866-488-7386
  • The Trans Lifeline: Call their hotline 24/7 for peer support 877-565-8860